MotorOne Paint Protection was marketed under the Ming brand and became readily available in the Australian marketplace during the early 1980’s when social, educational & employment trends created a society of time-poor consumers. Many realized that keeping their car looking good could be costly and time consuming. The days of spending the weekend waxing, polishing and cleaning the car became a thing of the past as many people wanted time to do the things they really enjoyed doing – sports, leisure, recreation, family & friends.
The Formula
Because many paint protection formulas contained silicone even today there remains somewhat of a legacy in terms of just how effective is MotorOne Paint Protection? Silicone in paint protection, whilst highly effective in preventing oxidization, created a problem if the event of panel damage that required touch-up or re-spray.
Our Performance Coating is engineered using nanotechnology – or “the science of small”. The Coating provides exceptional protection, shine and durability, and like all our products including MotorOne Paint Protection, we offer a nationwide warranty.

Learn More
Visit your local dealership and ask about the latest technology in Performance Coatings and MotorOne Paint Protection.