Car Cleaning Suppliers


If you are a professional detailer, no doubt you know that using quality products from reputable car cleaning suppliers is vital if you want to get the best result.  Using a high quality range of vehicle protection is equally important. You want products that are easy to apply and give you not just a great result but an outstanding result.  Generic products available from many car cleaning suppliers are predominately designed for just that – car cleaning.

In today’s busy world, customers are looking for more than just a clean car when they drive off the lot; they want a car that is easy to maintain and stays looking good for years to come. MotorOne can show you how to get an outstanding result that will not just satisfy but will delight your customers!

The Total Solution

Our high performance surface coating for paint creates a super glossy, smooth and easy-to-clean surface that protects against not just weather induced oxidization and fading but a wide range of environmental contaminates including the damage caused by bird & bat droppings and tree sap.

Unlike car cleaning suppliers, we don’t just show you ways to clean cars, we are the total solution to vehicle preparation and care.

  • The MotorOne national training program can be implemented right across the pre-delivery and detailing department of the dealership which includes not just product application, but the latest preparation techniques to ensure outstanding results.
  • High performance surface coatings are easy to apply with no buffing required.
  • High performance surface coatings can be used on both new and used vehicles (up to 5 years old).
  • A full range of interior coatings are included in our range to suit leather, vinyl and fabric & carpet.

Common Damage Examples

Bird On BranchBird Poo Stain Before Protektiv Hyrdo Solution
Before imageBat Poo Stain Before Protektiv Hyrdo Solution
Before imageTree Sap Stain Before Protektiv Hyrdo Solution
Dragonfly SwarmBug Splatter Before Protektiv Hyrdo Solution

Get In Touch

So get your pre-delivery section working in harmony with vehicle sales – implement the MotorOne total protection plan into your dealership, get in touch today!